Let’s face it, the ceremony at a wedding is a necessary and important ritual. It’s the whole point of the day. But really…it’s the party afterwards that everyone looks forward to! And dancing is usually the key to the party and having a good time. Buuuttt…..not everyone likes to or can dance. For some it’s a choice, others may not physically be able to. Either way, why leave out friends and loved ones? Be sure to talk with your chosen wedding venue about available options for non-dancers to have a good time.
Every wedding reception I’ve seen (and there’s been a LOT) has at least a few people not dancing. So why not provide them with some fun activities too? It’s easy and inexpensive to accommodate these folks and show them you care. Whether indoor or outdoor activities (at Stony Point we recommend both) giving folks some fun dancing alternatives means everyone can have a great time and a memorable evening.
Kids? Maybe some energy-draining outdoor stuff (wear them out for a calmer evening!). Grandparents? How about a mix of individual and group activities that involve more thinking and discussing than running and jumping? (These are a great transition later in the evening for those worn out kids too!) Games and activities can even be staged for release as the reception moves on too so they aren’t overwhelming from the beginning. This also can keep the party fresh and moving later in the afternoon or evening. People that are curious what new fun thing is coming are more likely to stick around!

At Stony Point’s wedding venue, you have over 3 acres of lawn and a wooded creek bed to spread out in! This provides a lot of easily monitored space for activities that require running, jumping, chasing, evading, all those energetic activities many people love to do. Outdoor activities can range from free-wheeling go have fun to organized games with specific equipment. Here’s some ideas across the spectrum that we see people really enjoying at many receptions.
- Balls and Frisbees – remember, 3 acres of open lawn! A few of those big, soft kick balls, a couple Frisbees, maybe some hula hoops. Many couples provide simple outdoor stuff like this and the kids go nuts! It’s great to see a bunch of them running around kicking, throwing and chasing balls and Frisbees. And it’s all easily watched from the covered porches (with benches, you’re welcome…)
- Hide and Seek – great outdoor game for kids and us…”mature” kids. There are a lot of natural boundaries like the creek bed, parking lots/driveway, inside or not inside the hall and so forth to use as “out of bounds” limits. It is a good idea to have a parent or parents set up the game so everyone agrees on the boundaries and rules. Maybe have some simple, inexpensive prizes for winners (and participants, don’t want to create any drama…). Consider some other classic outdoor games like Red Rover or Kick the Can.
- Lawn games – old classics like horseshoes, corn hole and croquet are fun outdoor activities that people can easily rotate in and out of. Check out Stony Point’s selection of outdoor games for rent here https://www.stonypointhall.com/catalog-category/outdoors/funandgames/.

These activities are usually classified as “indoors”, but can easily be taken out to enjoy a nice evening, watch the kids play, whatever draws your guests out to the beautiful scenery at Stony Point. There are a wide variety of low-impact fun activities, choose based on your guest list and what you know they enjoy.

- Card games – does one or both families enjoy playing a particular card game like Gin, Spades or Euchar? Print out instructions for the uninitiated, provide a few card decks, and bring the uninitiated into the joys of Euchreing an opposing team! (Not sure? Google it – fun and fast-paced game!)
- Board games – do you have a collection of classic, simple board games? Maybe parents or grandparents do? Setup a games table in the hall and pile them on! There are a lot of fun, easy classics that can enhance a party. We do recommend you avoid long, intricate games like Monopoly or Life, as these can end up more a distraction than not.
- Crosswords and word searches – these are still popular because they are a lot of fun and challenging. Want to bring a personal touch to it? There are websites like https://crosswordhobbyist.com/ or https://mywordsearch.com/ where you can create your own! Maybe make some up about the bride and groom. Or, make some about each family, then give them to the other family! A great way for two families coming together to get to know each other.

Dancing is great, and many people enjoy it. If you’re looking for dancing lessons…keep looking (I’m the guy doing crosswords). But, if you want to make sure your non-dancers have just as much fun, it’s easy to provide them with plenty of fun activities – so be creative!